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How to Clean Your Brushes |Chesapeake Makeup Artist |Virginia Beach Professional Makeup Artist

Updated: Sep 12, 2018

How do you deep clean your makeup brushes?

You will need- Baby shampoo or a cleanser, your hand and water.

Follow these seven steps for cleaner, good-as-new brushes!!

1. Wet the bristles with lukewarm water.

2. Place a drop of makeup brush cleanser or baby shampoo into the palm of your hand. I use baby shampoo.

3. Gently massage the tips of the bristles in your palm.

4. Rinse the bristles in downward passion

5. Squeeze out the excess moisture with a clean towel.

6. Reshape the brush head.

7. Let the brush dry with its bristles hanging off the edge of a counter, thereby allowing it to dry in the correct shape.

Never let your brushes dry on a towel — the bristles can become mildewed.

Mid-wash, keep the base of the brush head away from soap and water. The bristles are glued to the base, and water and brush cleanser can cause the glue to disintegrate and the bristles to come loose and shed. Do not dry vertically — this will cause water to leak into the ferrule [the piece that joins the bristles to the wand, which will also loosen the glue and lead to bristle loss.

How to clean your brushes daily

1. Get a daily cleaner- I highly recommends Cinema Secrets. It is an amazing cleaner and it drys fast so you are able to use it right away!!

2. You will need something to wipe your brushes on to clean. I use paper towels. 3. Spray the Cinema Secrets on a paper towel an wipe until your brushes are clean. Ready for your next client or for the next time you want to use it!! Why you should clean your brushes?

The color that you used from the time before will mix with the color that you are using in the moment and it won’t be it true color, more importantly the oils from your skin will transfer on to your brushes. That will turn into bacteria. Bacteria will cause your face to break out and you don’t want that. Keep your brushes clean your face will thank you!!!!

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