Patriots Pen Scholarship
The Patriot's Pen program is open to students in grades 6-8 (on the Nov. 1 deadline), who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States and its territories.
Deadline: November 1, 2017
The award is $5,000
Students can ask a teacher or youth group leader to supervise their progress in the competition. Then students can contact a local participating VFW Post and establish a contact person who is a member of that Post or its Auxiliary.
Essays must be no less than 300 words and cannot exceed 400 words. They should be submitted to the Post, along with the completed Patriot's Pen entry form no later than the November 1 deadline.
The 2017-18 theme is:
America's Gift to My Generation
Knowledge of the theme is worth 30 points: You must show a thorough knowledge of the theme in your work. Demonstrate you have researched the issue extensively. Theme development is worth 35 points: Answer all relevant facts about the theme such as the who, what, where, when and why. Relate the theme to your own experiences.
Clarity of ideas is worth 35 points: Write your essay in an easy-to-understand format. Leave your reader with a clear understanding of your explanation of the theme.

Angela Award
Deadline: December 15, 2017
Program Summary
This award honors one female student in grades 5-8 who is exceptionally involved in and has a strong passion for STEM. The award has been established in honor of Gerry Wheeler and his outstanding dedication to NSTA and lifelong commitment to science education.
The awardee will be honored at the Teachers Awards Banquet at the NSTA National Conference. This award consists of a $1,000 US EE Savings Bond or Canada Savings Bond purchased for the equivalent issue price.
This award is open to any female student in grades 5 – 8, who is a resident of the United States, US Territories, or Canada, and is enrolled full time in public, private, or home school. NSTA employees, NSTA Board and Council members, award judges and their immediate families are not eligible to apply.
For questions, e-mail awards@nsta.org.

Letters About Literature
Deadlines are specific per state. Please see the above link for state deadlines. Virginia
Virginia Letters Due Date: December 9, 2017
Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students in grades 4-12. Students are asked to read a book, poem or speech and write to that author (living or dead) about how the book affected them personally. Letters are judged on state and national levels. Tens of thousands of students from across the country enter Letters About Literature each year. If you are in grades 4-12, you are eligible to enter the Letters About Literature reading and writing contest. Here are the Rules and Guidelines. Here is a Teaching Guide.
The Letters About Literature Teaching Guide provides activities teachers can use to guide their students through the book discussion and letter-writing process. The guide addresses the LAL teaching strategies and ways in which the program can dovetail with national standards for teaching reading and writing as well as Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Also included are worksheets for duplication and assessment checklists.

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Deadline: The next application cycle will open January 2, 2018.
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes celebrates inspiring, public-spirited, highly diverse young people from all across America. Each year, the Barron Prize honors twenty-five outstanding young leaders ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our environment. The top ten winners each receive a $5,000 cash award to support their service work or higher education. The primary goal of the Prize is to shine the spotlight on these amazing young people so that their stories will inspire others.
Winners of the Barron Prize receive:
$5,000 to be applied to their higher education or to their service project
A recognition plaque a certificate of recognition a signed copy of The Hero's Trail, by Barron Prize founder T.A. Barron
A copy of Dream Big, our documentary film featuring several Barron Prize winners a heroes study guide, curriculum, and bibliography
The opportunity to be paired with an adult mentor who is passionate about and working in the winner's area of interest the opportunity to connect with other Barron Prize winners through the Young Heroes Listserve
Numerous media opportunities – print, television, and radio

Young Eco award
Deadline: Applications for 2018 run through February 28th, 2018.
The young eco award program recognizes the inspiring accomplishments of individual youth ages 8-16. They must be no more than 16 years of age as of the deadline date. Students whose personal actions and initiatives have significantly impacted the environment should apply. The award recipients are given up to $500 cash, and an award certificate. If you are a student involved in environmental activism, please apply as we have extended our deadline!

Courage in Student Journalism Awards
Deadline: Currently closed the deadline was last Emailed or postmarked by June 30, 2017
The Student Press Law Center sponsors several awards for those fighting for press freedom. The deadline to submit entries is in June of each year.
The Student Press Law Center, Center for Scholastic Journalism at Kent State University and the National Scholastic Press Association jointly sponsor the Courage in Student Journalism Awards.
The two awards recognize a middle or high school journalist and a media adviser or school administrator who have stood in support of the First Amendment. The student journalist and adviser or school administrator need not be from the same school.
The first award is presented to a student journalist who has shown determination, despite difficulty or resistance, in lawfully exercising his or her First Amendment press rights.
A second award is presented to a student media adviser or school administrator who has demonstrated support, under difficult circumstances, for the First Amendment press rights of his or her school's student media.
To enter: To nominate yourself or someone else, submit a written description (not to exceed 600 words) on how the nominee's circumstances meet the entry criteria, along with any relevant supporting materials or press clips. Each entry should also include the address, phone number and e-mail address of the nominee. It is sometimes necessary to contact a nominee during the summer, so include summer contact information if it is different.
Presentation of awards: Awards are presented during a ceremony at the Journalism Education Association/National Scholastic Press Association fall convention.
Submit entry materials to: Frank LoMonte at director@splc.org
Along with the Associated Collegiate Press, the SPLC co-sponsors the College Press Freedom Award to recognize the college student or student news medium that has demonstrated outstanding support for college press freedom. The College Press Freedom Award is presented at the Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers national fall convention. The College Press Freedom Award winners receive a plaque recognizing their achievements and a cash prize.
To enter: To nominate yourself or someone else, submit a written description (not to exceed 600 words) of how their situation meets the entry criteria described above, along with any relevant supporting materials or press clips and letters of support.
Presentation of awards: Winners will be recognized during a ceremony at the Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers fall convention.
Submit entry materials to: Frank LoMonte at director@splc.org

Americanism Essay Contest
Deadline: December 1, 2017
Americanism Essay Contest For Grades 7–12
350 words or less about “What Patriotism means to me”
FRA sponsors an annual essay contest to promote the spirit of Americanism and patriotism among our country’s youth. No military affiliation is required. FRA's Americanism Essay Contest is open to all students, grades 7 through 12, including those who are home schooled. Students are invited to submit a 350-word essay through an FRA member or local FRA branch before the December 1st deadline. Local winners are forwarded for competition at the regional level and regional winners compete for national prizes.
The grand national winner will receive $5,000, with additional prizes for the top three essays in each grade category ($2,500 for first place, $1,500 for second place, and $1,000 for third place). Each national winner will receive an attractive plaque citing his/her achievement, and every entrant judged at the national level receives a certificate of recognition. Additional prizes may be awarded to students winning at local and regional levels of competition.

Anne Frank National Essay Contest
Deadline: currently closed. Next deadline will be Oct 20, 2018
The Anne Frank Center USA seeks submissions from middle school students (grades 5-8) for its National Essay Contest. Submissions are due on Monday, October 20 the National Day of Writing annually.
Anne Frank was just 13 when her family went into hiding in the Secret Annex to avoid capture by the Nazis. The experience took away nearly everything – from friends to fresh air – but her curiosity and optimism remained, as evidenced in her now famous diary. During the two years she spent in hiding, she used writing to reflect on the turmoil of the world around her, stressing the need not only for tolerance and peace, but for individuals brave enough to work toward these things. “How wonderful it is,” she observed in March 1944, “that no one has to wait, but can start right now to gradually change the world!”
The Center believes, as Anne did, that children matter and can make a positive difference. In honor of Anne and the National Day on Writing, we are sponsoring an essay contest to inspire young people to think about the consequences of intolerance, racism, and discrimination, as well as ways the next generation can build a world based on mutual respect.

Spirit of Anne Frank Scholarship
Deadline: Currently closed. Applications were last accepted from January 17 to March 17, 2017.
Awards are given out each year to students who have proven themselves exceptional leaders in combating intolerance, prejudice and injustice in their schools and communities. We offer these awards to those who carry on Anne Frank’s message and legacy of hope, courage, peace, justice and equality.
The submissions for these awards should reflect each applicant’s dedication to achieving lasting change. Past winners of these awards have helped to change legislation, have started or run non-profit organizations, and have written books or created documentaries. High School Seniors in the United States who are attending a four-year college in the fall can apply for our Scholarship Awards. One winner will receive a one-time $5,000 scholarship. Additional runners-up will receive one-time stipends towards their college educations. All winners will be honored by The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. Applications must be submitted online. We are no longer accepting applications by mail.
Qualifications for Applicants
Spirit of Anne Frank Scholarship Students applying for this scholarship must exhibit extraordinary leadership in their schools and communities and a meaningful effort to address issues of social justice. This interest and involvement should be exhibited by a student spearheading organizations, programs or events that address issues of intolerance, prejudice and injustice in their communities.
The Scholarships are available to high school seniors in the United States who will be attending a four-year college in the fall.
Students must submit a 1,000-word personal essay and two letters of recommendation.
The application must be completed online.

Doodle 4 Google Scholarship
Deadline: Currently closed last deadline was open from September 14th, 2016 09:00am Pacific Time (PT) and closed December 2nd, 2016, 8:00pm Pacific Time (PT).
Kids have all kinds of things that make them unique, so they can use all kinds of materials to create their doodles, from crayons, to clay, to graphic design, even food and video games.
Students in grades K-12 are invited to take part in the Doodle 4 Google contest. Like all Google Doodles, each doodle must incorporate the letters G-o-o-g-l-e. One national winner will also receive a $30,000 college scholarship.
Students can work with any materials they want, but all doodles must be entered using the entry form. Parents and teachers can mail us the completed entry form or submit it online as a .png, or .jpg
Download or print the entry form.
Doodle: Have artists create their doodles using any materials they want.
Have artists write a 50-word statement describing their doodle, their message behind the artwork, or their artistic process.
Fill out the rest of the required information and sign the entry form.
If the doodle wasn't created directly on the entry form, take a digital photo or scan of the doodle and combine it with the entry form.
If you're submitting a digital entry, save the completed entry form as a .png, or .jpg.
Doodles will be judged on the following criteria
Artistic merit: based on artistic skill
Creativity: representation of the contest theme, use of the letters in the Google logo, and the unique approach to the doodle
Theme communication: how well the contest theme is expressed in both the artwork and the written statement
Doodles will be grouped and judged by the following grade groups:
Grades K-3
Grades 4-5
Grades 6-7
Grades 8-9
Grades 10-12
Finalists will be judged on a state-by-state basis as described below.
State and Territory Winners: 10 or more winners for each grade group, 53 in total
National Finalists: 1 finalist for each grade group, 5 in total
National Winner: featured on the Google homepage

National World War II Museum
Deadline: December 29, 2017, 5:00pm CST.
Annually an essay contest is held for middle school and high school students. This program has a new essay topic each year, and awards five scholarships to middle school students, and five to high school students. This scholarship is open to the general public and no affiliation to the military or World War II is required.
In celebration of the opening of its newest permanent exhibit, The Arsenal of Democracy: The Herman and George Brown Salute to the Home Front, The National WWII Museum is asking middle and high school students for its student essay contest to submit your thoughts on what the United States’ role as the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’ should be today.
First coined in a Fireside Chat radio broadcast on December 29, 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt promised military aid to the United Kingdom while the United States was still not yet at war. Many Americans were still deeply divided over the issue of entering or avoiding the growing global conflict. A Gallup Poll taken just months prior to the broadcast found opinions almost evenly split over assisting the United Kingdom if it risked pushing the United States closer to war.
However, with the United Kingdom facing defeat, Roosevelt announced to a national audience that American industrial power must be marshaled in support of its allies and that America ‘must be the great Arsenal of Democracy. For us this is an emergency as serious as war itself. We must apply ourselves to our task with the same resolution, the same sense of urgency, the same spirit of patriotism and sacrifice as we would show were we at war.’
Over 75 years have passed since Roosevelt’s speech; however, there are still many challenges and uncertainties facing the United States and the world. For its 2017 student essay contest, The National WWII Museum is asking middle school (grades 5 – 8) and high school students (grades 9 – 12) to relate Roosevelt’s quote to emergencies ‘as serious as war itself’ faced by our country and our world and what the role of the United States as the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’ should be today.
For your essay, please write a response to Roosevelt’s above quote from your point of view as a young person coming of age in the twenty-first century. What do you think America’s role – both at home and abroad – as the ‘Arsenal Of Democracy’ should be? What are the issues and emergencies ‘as serious as war itself’ faced by individuals, communities and countries in 2017 and how should they solved or confronted?
Use events from American and WWII history as your starting point, but don’t stop in the past. Use specific examples from your own experiences and/or current events to support your ideas, beliefs and convictions on what the roles and goals of the United States should be in the twenty-first century. This is NOT a research paper, and the best essays will NOT be summaries of the past 75 years of American history or foreign policy. Your essay will be judged foremost for its originality, clarity of expression, and adherence to contest theme, as well as its historical accuracy, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Museum staff will read and evaluate all entries and select the winning essays.

Engineer Girl
Deadline: February 1, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST.
Elementary School Students (grades 3-5); Submissions must be 400 to 700 words.
Write a letter to your city or county council that describes the need for the improvement in your community infrastructure and the preferred solution from your research. Include a brief description of the challenges you identified and how you think engineers might address them.
Middle School Students in (grades 6-8); Submissions must be 600 to 1100 words.
Write a persuasive essay to present to your city or county council that makes the case for an infrastructure improvement in your community and your chosen solution to the problem. Be sure to fully define the problem and address the challenges engineers might face in implementing the improvements.
High School Students (grades 9-12); Submissions must be 1000 to 1500 words.
Write a summary report for your city or county council that makes the case for an infrastructure improvement in your community and your chosen solution to the problem. Fully define the problem and describe your solution in detail, including how and why it should be implemented. Explain what has already been tried or is already known about this type of solution and what would be new or innovative in your community. Describe how you will test or anticipate failure for any new innovations to minimize risk.

Davidson Fellow Scholarship
Deadline: Deadline: February 14, 2018, 11:59 Pacific Time.
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to extraordinary young people, 18 and under, who have completed a significant piece of work. Application categories are Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, Music, Philosophy and Outside the Box.
Be 18 or younger as of Oct. 1 of the current year.
Be a U.S. citizen residing in the United States, or a Permanent Resident of the United States residing in the United States, or be stationed overseas due to active U. S. military duty.
There is no minimum age for eligibility.
The Davidson Institute is looking for students whose projects are at, or close to, the college graduate level with a depth of knowledge in their particular area of study. This scholarship is not geared toward students at the novice level. See specific Category Requirements below.

MATHCOUNTS Competition
Deadline: Registrations are currently open.
The MATHCOUNTS Competition Series is the only competition program of its kind, with live, in-person events in all 50 states, as well as U.S. territories and schools worldwide through the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department. With competitions taking place in over 500 local chapters, there's a competition happening near you!
The Competition Series is ideal for students who have a talent and passion for math who need to be challenged. Students will engage in exciting, "bee-style" contests in which they will compete against and alongside other bright, motivated students. At the local, state and national level, students win hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships and prizes every year.
Students enrolled in the sixth, seventh or eighth grade are eligible to participate in the MATHCOUNTS Competition Series. Students taking middle school mathematics classes who are not full‑time sixth, seventh or eighth graders are not eligible. Participation in MATHCOUNTS competitions is limited to three years for each student though there is no limit to the number of years a student may participate in the school‑based coaching phase.
Schools can register up to 10 students who will represent the school at the chapter competition. An unlimited number of students can participate in the school-level competitions, which take place in December or January, and are run by the Competition Coaches. All types of schools - public, private, charter, virtual and homeschools - are eligible to register for the Competition Series.

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Each year, the Alliance partners with more than 100 visual arts and literary arts organizations across the country to bring the Awards to local communities. Teens in grades 7 through 12 apply in 29 categories of art and writing. Submissions are juried by luminaries in the visual and literary arts, some of whom are past award recipients. Panelists look for works that best exemplify originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision.
More than $250,000 is given annually through the Scholastic Awards program in awards and scholarships to top Awards recipients and their educators. In addition, more than $10 million in scholarships is set aside each year by our partners for recipients of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program
Deadline: Currently closed. Re-opens January 2018.
You can go to this link to register to be alerted when applications re-open:
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program selects high-achieving youth with financial need and provides them with individualized educational services throughout high school that will enable them to develop their talents and abilities. The Young Scholars Program is one of the most individualized scholarships offered in the United States. Students in the seventh grade—or who will enter eighth grade next fall—are eligible to apply and applications are available in February.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation enables high-ability middle and high school students with financial need to realize their full academic potential. Through the Young Scholars Program, the Foundation has to date supported 600 students from across the nation, providing them with individualized educational advising combined with comprehensive financial support from the 8th grade through high school.
Beginning in the eighth grade, the Young Scholars Program, working through fourteen on-staff educational advisers, enables students to:
Participate in high-quality academic and extracurricular opportunities in their local community, on college campuses, and around the glob
Develop the knowledge, talents, and leadership skills to be significant contributors to their field of interest and society at large.
Set and reach academic and talent goals that will prepare them to be competitive, well-informed applicants for our nation’s best colleges and universities.

Caroline D. Bradley Scholars Program
Deadline: Currently closed. Last deadline was April 11, 2017
A Caroline D. Bradley Scholar is a young student who excels academically, displays a genuine quest for knowledge, thrives in the discovery process, is a leader among peers, and embraces the ideals of integrity, service, and honesty. CDB targets exceptionally gifted young people who seek a rigorous, diversified high school program but need assistance finding or attending the appropriate learning environment that will help them work towards and achieve their full potential. Through a highly selective, in-depth portfolio application and interview process, CDB annually identifies exceptional middle school students from across the country.
Currently in 7th grade
Demonstrates exceptional academic ability and achievement
Has scored in the 97th percentile or above – or scored as “Advanced” – in one or more of the major academic areas of school-administered, nationally-normed standardized test (i.e., Stanford 9, ERB, STAR, etc.) for the past two years
Scores 20 or higher in either the Math or Reading component of the ACT or scores 500 or higher in either the Critical Reading or Math component of SAT Reasoning Test
Strives for excellence and continually seeks more rigorous academic challenges
Demonstrates leadership abilities
Exhibits creative thinking
Is extremely curious and has a thirst for knowledge
Exhibits a passion for learning
Is highly motivated
Embraces the merits of integrity and honesty
Demonstrates a high level of maturity and a strong sense of self
Seeks an accelerated, diversified high school program
Is a U.S. citizen who resides in the United States of America