Engineer Girl
Deadline: February 1, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST.
Elementary School Students (grades 3-5); Submissions must be 400 to 700 words.
Write a letter to your city or county council that describes the need for the improvement in your community infrastructure and the preferred solution from your research. Include a brief description of the challenges you identified and how you think engineers might address them.
Middle School Students in (grades 6-8); Submissions must be 600 to 1100 words.
Write a persuasive essay to present to your city or county council that makes the case for an infrastructure improvement in your community and your chosen solution to the problem. Be sure to fully define the problem and address the challenges engineers might face in implementing the improvements.
High School Students (grades 9-12); Submissions must be 1000 to 1500 words.
Write a summary report for your city or county council that makes the case for an infrastructure improvement in your community and your chosen solution to the problem. Fully define the problem and describe your solution in detail, including how and why it should be implemented. Explain what has already been tried or is already known about this type of solution and what would be new or innovative in your community. Describe how you will test or anticipate failure for any new innovations to minimize risk.